Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another Season....

For many, the past few weeks have been preparing for and then starting a new school year. I have three in elementary school and two little ones still at home during the day. Running errands have become a lot easier, afternoons have become a lot busier, and quiet evenings have become a lot more valued. Back to school time tends to inspire a need for routine, schedules, and organization. In some ways I really love this time of year, in others I feel a bit overwhelmed and inadequate. I suppose it's because my weaknesses tend to be thrown up in my face as I struggle to juggle the papers from school, appointments for this and that, school projects to keep my children on task for, and dealing with social issues that crop up. I'm going to try to focus on the good this season brings to me and my family. I am going to become better organized, I am going to beautify my home, I am going to develop a wonderful routine that will focus on building us up as a family, together. Togetherness as a family tends to get lost during the school year. It's my goal to find ways to strengthen our bonds through activities and simple moments of conversation and reflection.