Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Home Sweet Home....

After many years of planning and prayers and pursuit, we have finally purchased our very first home. The house is beautiful and as we check each item off the massive "to-do" list it feels more and more like a home. Being in my final weeks/days of this pregnancy has brought up a few challenges, but day by day I have been able to slowly unpack, assemble, hang, and organize my way towards less chaos and more peace in our new home. There is a special feeling of accomplishment and pride as we learn new things and see the results of our hard work and effort and new-found skills. There is also opportunity to teach our children the importance of work, maintenance, and responsibility that comes with ownership, big or small. Come spring we will have many, many projects to tackle outside that will guarantee many grumblings and gripes, but also activity and accomplishment. Inside and out we are learning to create a home out of a house that was not previously loved. It's a growing experience I hope everyone can one day experience.